The extraction of olive oil was ubiquitous in the Mediterranean region as early as a few thousand years before Christ: findings prove that olive trees …
Rice: The grain from the tropics
It is hard to imagine Asian cuisine without rice. In 2017, almost 760 million tons of rice were harvested on earth, of which around ten …
Hamburgers: Anything but fast food
There are many theories about the invention of the hamburger: some assume that the city of Hamburg gave its name to the famous dish. As …
Coffee: More than just a drink
Coffee is not just a drink, it is a feeling: Rumor has it that coffee was drunk in southern Ethiopia as early as the 9th …
Caviar: The legend of a delicacy
Hardly any other food is the subject of so many legends as caviar. Originally, sturgeon eggs were a staple food for fishermen on the Caspian …
The Baguette: French National Icon
There is nothing that represents France as much as the baguette: the long white bread with the aromatic taste is famous all over the world. …
The History of Pizza
It’s Italy’s national dish: the pizza. As early as 1,000 years ago, there was already the word pizza in Latin, which at that time referred …
Cognac: The art of brandy
“The ocean was here!” is something you may hear from winemakers in Cognac to this very day. 80 million years ago, the ocean was indeed …
Champagne: From devil’s wine to noble wine
It was a bloody battle that took place on the hills of Champagne in 451 AD: the Huns under King Attila were fighting the Roman …