When one thinks of an animated series in the western world, one inevitably associates it with entertainment for children: the Japanese form of “animation” is …
Gustaf Gründgens: Between Faust and Prussian Glory
“I feel like an actor – actor is also the job title on my passport.” This quote comes from an actor who to a certain …
Rose Laurens: The French chanson of the 1980s
In the winter of 1983, it was the song Africa that got people dancing in France: to this day, Rose Laurens is best known for …
Focaccia: Once a snack for fishermen
If one travels along the Mediterranean coast, one will notice that focaccia tastes a little different everywhere: according to legend, the “original” focaccia, the Focaccia …
Tony Curtis: Comedian and dramatic actor at the same time
Whether it was a comedy or a deadly serious drama made little difference to Tony Curtis – he was equally brilliant in both film genres. …
Enrico Caruso: The Napoleon of the gramophone
The name Enrico Caruso is synonymous with the art of opera: telling an opera singer that he “sounds like Caruso” is probably the greatest compliment …
Ricky Nelson: His singing even fascinated John Wayne
If one wants to tell the story of rock’n roll, one cannot leave out his name: before Elvis Presley or the Beatles dominated show business, …
Peter Sellers: The eternal comedian
When he was two years old, he is said to have already appeared on stage at the King’s Theatre in Southsea, Portsmouth: He accompanied his …