He went down in film history as the “master of suspense”: building suspense in a film that keeps the viewer glued to the cinema seat …
Cary Grant: The gentleman from Hollywood
It was on December 7, 1931, that the name Cary Grant saw the light of day: at the age of 27, Grant, who was born …
Grace Kelly in To Catch a Thief
The summer of 1954 is a unique event in the life of actress and later Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly: from the end of May …
Grace Kelly in “Rear Window” (2.)
In 1954, Grace Kelly had just finished shooting Dial M for Murder, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, and it didn’t take long until the next film …
The Manhattinate — Grace Kelly in “Rear Window“
The actress and later princess of Monaco Grace de Monaco (before her marriage she was called Grace Kelly) stood in front of a film camera …
Grace Kelly — Actress & princess
Hollywood produced a lot of actresses – every one of them had a destiny of their own. Grace Kelly is mainly known for her films with …